Showing posts with label Lavaredo Ultra Trail. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lavaredo Ultra Trail. Show all posts

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Lavaredo Ultra Trail once more

Lavaredo Ultra Trail once more

Last year (2013) Lavaredo Ultra Trail was shortened, and even though I beat my target time, I was not happy about the result. I was in the slow half of the race: I know I am getting older, but still not used to that yet. Most important the promised 4 UTMB points turned into 2 UTMB points, leaving me just 1 point short of the UTMB lottery access. At the same time the course was stunning, one of the most beautiful courses I ever have run. So here I was this year back to complete some unfinished business.

To improve from last year I changed a few things in my training. My training was getting too much comfortable, so I decided to run less junk miles and  made every training hurt, which in practice meant more height meters, more speed training, and longer runs. Some days I hated this, but I believed in it, so I continued. My test marathons did not show any progress. All run in around 3:45 and I even had to quit the hilliest one due to pain in the butt. I got quite concerned and uncertain on what I was capable of at the Lavaredo trail.

Lavaredo Ultra Course Profile

I had 31 hours to complete the distance of 119 km (19 more than I ever had run) and 5850 D+ (about 2000 more than I ever had run). Counting on some improvement of the last year performance I agreed with myself that 24 hour would be a good target. With the race starting at 23:00 on Friday, this would also avoid a second night without sleep. Still I kept being rather unsure about it.

We (my wife and 2 year old son joined me this year) arrived on Wednesday, leaving some time to rest and enjoy the atmosphere in town before the race. However the enthusiasm hit me only Friday evening first, at the starting line where runners were gathering. At that point I felt optimism: I was ready to kill the beast. 

20 minutes to the start

The start went after the traditional start melody from Ennio Morricone (L'Estasi dell Oro'). Goosebumps.  In the lights of Cortina D’Ampezzo and darkness shortly after when leaving the town. Running in the dark is cool: moving lights are up and down from runners in front and back. Actually, I knew the part we would be running in the dark as I run it last year in the light (last year the start of the shortened race was moved to the morning). However it became clear at the first mountain that this race was different from last year. Last year I was overtaken on the uphills and even though this year I started more in front and was moving around the same speed, I was the one overtaking people. I started to feel comfortable and loved the running.

I was taking the downhills a bit more carefully than last year, as I decided not to take any risk. I did not want the end the race during the night by a jump off a mountain. Instead I concentrated on drinking well, refilling my bag at the first depot at the 18 km aid station after the first of 5 mountains. After that aid station the second mountain followed. I moved smoothly and felt strong.  Still enjoying running in the middle of the night, I felt like I was always meant to do this and let the boy in me play in the mountains. This came a bit as a surprise as normally I may have a hard time keeping my eyes open after 23 o'clock. I reached the second aid station at 33 km only 9 minutes later than last year and ahead of schedule. During the next stretch to Lake Misurina it started to become light, which really gave a boost. The mountains were waking up, birds singing while we run through green forests wet from the night.

I reached Lake Misurina one hour ahead of schedule. It looked wonderful in the early morning light. Quick picture and on to Auronzo. Those who have driven this part, know how steep the road is. Well, the path we took is much shorter and thus much steeper. I believe the last km had a 30% slope, which clearly was too much for my motor. The 7 km stretch took me 2,5 hour and made me lose my hour advantage on my schedule. But where in other races I typically was one of the few suffering, here I was in good company. Again an indication that my training was paying off.

Lake Misurina

In Auronzo (49 km) I got my drop bag. Happy that I had put the old backpack into the drop bag, such I could change it. Two days before the race I had found out my Nathan backpack was a bit too small and bought a North Face vest which was bigger. Problem was that one of the shoulder taps fell off my shoulder all the time. Not a big issue, but it happened so often, it got an annoyance. Changed backpack, I minimized what to bring, such it could fit, got some soup and got going again. The next part brought us around Tre Cime di Lavaredo, which were being lit in the morning sun. Fantastic and the most wonderful views. 

Tre Cime di Lavaredo

This stretch was a long downhill, but the climb to Auronzo had done some damage, so I was having walking breaks now. This way I made it to Cimabanche at 66 km. I was still on schedule. I got a message from my wife that she was with my son at the next aid station (Malga Ra Stua). Only 9 km to go and a mountain in between which I passed rather smoothly. As soon as my son saw me, when I got down again he came running at me. Nice! Happy to see family I took a bit a longer break and refilled some depots and then off to what I have called afterwards The Death Valley. If I only had known I may have stayed at the Malga.... This is an endless, very raw valley which goes up, up and up. This was expected, but what had happened to my feet I had not expected. I had bad blisters on the back of both of them and at the start of the lovely valley one of them burst open. I continued for some 100 meters hoping the pain would disappear, but it did not, so things started to look rather bad. So I took a break, tried to repair the open blister with some Compeed, ate some energy bars and then tried to find my own very slow rhythm and move my way up the valley. It worked somehow and I slowly dragged my more or less dead body up. The valley got increasingly raw with snow and a river which we had to pass a couple of times.  Some runners took off shoes for that. As I believed I would never be able to put them on again, I just walked through. The cold water was actually refreshing on my feet and blisters. It felt like hours to make it to the top, but when I reached the next aid station after the top, I was still on schedule.

What followed in the next 15 km was the toughest part of the course. It went constantly up and down and was very technical. With about 100 km in my legs, I was cooked and fried; this part was just about keeping moving, which often meant crawling. The place was still beautiful with Cinque Torri at some point rising in front of us, but the weather had worsened, with wind blowing up, and rain and clouds moving in. Finally when getting at Passo Giau I was happy to see the sign 16 km to go. I had used 20h, so with a pace of just 4 km/h would make my target. Still a bit of climbing remained, but most of it was downhill. I walked a lot and was very well on schedule until in the last 5 km a very steep muddy section appeared. Every time I tried to move fast I would crash. After two rather hard crashes, I decided that I would just walk and not break any bones. With a small jog in the last 2 km I still managed to get under the 24 h and reached the finish in 23:57. 

The finish!

Very very happy!

- most beautiful course ever run
- toughest race ever raced and ending as number 358 out of about 1000 runners (about 40% dropped)

Lessons learnt:
- also tape the back of my feet.
- continue with my quality training

Great video from the race can be found here: 

And now I have enough points to enter the UTMB lottery :-)

Sunday, 7 July 2013

North Face Lavaredo Trail - a different race than expected

When I finally arrived in Cortina at 17:00 on the raceday after quite some traveling, I was prepared to start running, just few hours later at 23:00, over 118 km and close to 6000 heightmeters. To be honest I was a bit scared. 118 km is longer than I have ever have run and 6000 heightmeters is also a new personal record. Add on top a bad throat ache and a not too good shape and you may guess my worry of covering the distance.

The race briefing a little later learned us however that the race was shortened as well and the new distance was 85 km with 3500 heightmeters: Disappointing numbers but, at the same time, somewhat a relief. Meanwhile my wife had managed to get a hotelroom for me, so suddenly the race seemed quite easy and I would even get some sleep before the start.

 Cortina 2 hours before race start

Next morning I was ready: Weather was beautiful and I had decided that on this 'short' distance I should be able to run 5 kmh at least. At 8 o'clock I was ready and after a nice breakfast I moved to the start. I started completely in the back of the around 850 runners, as I wanted to go out slow. After Ennio Morricone's 'L'Estasi dell’Oro' we were off through lot of enthusiastic crowds. The first 2 km were on roads with people cheering us on, kids clapping hands and the sun shining. Fantastic. Then we hit the first uphill. Some queuing but that was quickly solved, so found my own rhythm. At some point halfway I saw a familiar face: Chris van Beem, who I recognized from his blog. He was taking pictures meanwhile, while I thought it was enough to focus on the running. After a short chat and a picture we each other moved on on our own speed.

After a flat part with beautiful views of the mountains around us, we hit a downhill. I was trying to keep my speed down, but the mountaingoat in me came out and I took it down at quite high speed. Now this was fun! In CCC I was not able to do this due to broken shoes, so I enjoyed this 110%. Soon we hit the first aid station, so quickly some drinking and off we were to the next uphill, followed by another downhill. The route was fantastic varying: forrest, great mountainviews, meadows, streams on the side of the route and all that in the most fantastic weather. I hit Cristallo hotel (33km) after 4h40, which meant I was running much faster than the 5kmh I was targeting, but I was having fun.

However I decided to be safe and keep the speed down a bit. This actually happened automatically when I hit the next large uphill so steep that I kept thinking 'what about putting some switchbacks here'. This brought us to lake Misurina. There I felt quite destroyed and was having some problems with dizziness. This is typically caused by lack of salt so I was happy to see there was soup available. I took my time and ate some soup. I met Chris again who was also not feeling too well at that point (btw, seeing his finish time, he recovered quite well :-)). The soup helped and now the new part of the route started. A very long downhill, which I covered quickly followed by a long flat boring part. Here I walked a lot, telling myself it was slightly uphill and I should save my powers.... I was far ahead of my revisited target of 17 hours, so why hurry? This was a mistake and afterwards easy to say that I simply should have moved faster here.

Another mountain followed, which I thought was the last one, followed by a the best aidstation, where cows with bells welcomed us. After that I expected only downhill, when suddenly it went up again. I did not remember the new race profile so quickly called home for the heightmeters of the next milestone. 1750 meter, whereas I was at 1550 meter, so only 200 meter to go. But wow what a steep slopes! Happy to ake it finally to the top! Started to wonder whether I would make it before dark, but 5 km for the finish I had to put on my headlamp, as it was getting quite dark. Quite some runners continued without lamps. No idea how they did do this, without crashing. Running in the dark was nice: one could hear the birds singing and it was kind of cosy. Finally Cortina was there and I finished in 14h03.

I was quite happy about my time at the start, as I beat my target with 3h, until a feeling, about how easy the race had been (so much easier than I anticipated), kicked in. My super quick recovery and the placement (about 70% outage) much worse than normal, confirmed that feeling. Yes, my shape was bad, but maybe my target was set a bit too low. The race also did not give 4 UTMB points as for the original route, but just 2, which means no UTMB for me in 2014. Well, too bad, but this race is simply so beautiful and knowing part of the course will help me to race it faster. So why not going back to Lavaredo next year (and run the full round hopefully)?